Message from the president
Message from the president

Katsuji Kasai, President & Representative Director
Since our company was first founded as a dedicated manufacturer of music box components, we have excelled at using our knowledge to make the most of resources and meet clients’ needs.
Today, we machine products for a wide range of uses, such as coaxial connectors, probes, automotive parts, machine parts, valves, and more. We pay close attention to feedback from customers to produce items that fully meet their satisfaction.
Digitization has changed not only downstream products, but the way they are made and the way in which we work. This means real and present needs must be understood and met with alacrity and sincerity.
We remain keenly aware of our social responsibilities and pursue not only increased safety, quality, delivery times, and prices, but also work together as a company to continuously revamp our approaches to the environment and work-style reforms.
We look forward to your ongoing support and patronage over the years.
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